Monday, March 23, 2009
Eating my Ice Cream
I needed comfort food. One of the few movies which made me and hubby cry together! Okay, he only had a few tears. Mine was more like bucket loads! At the end of the movie, we were saying that we don't think we'll take care of a dog. Ever. (So far that is). It's just to painful when they cease being the once playful puppy. Slowly their body gives up. The sad thing about it, would have to be.. the fact that they don't live as long as human do. That's just the way things are naturally. I don't want to go on about the film so much. In a nutshell, the film talked about love, marriage, kids, pets, career, friendship, life and death. One of those films that, after 10, 20 years, or so would still touch many people's lives. Ah, Marley!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Family fun
I have been to a few Mardi Gras events, and have truly enjoyed each one! It is so filled with music, colour, interesting personalities, creative costumes, etcetera. I wish I could get to experience the Mardi Gras celebration in the U.S. or somewhere else, as I'm sure it would be fun! (I could probably have my two most favorite lady couple in San Francisco go with me! I am sure they won't mind.)
I would also love to visit Florida again, and spend more time going around theme parks at that state. The last time I have visited Florida, our trip was cut short and we had to rush home due to a sickness in the family. Which maybe, I can ask my dad, mom and siblings if we could continue on from where we left the last time we were there! I am sure it would still be fun to visit Universal Studios Orlando, even though we are all a bit older now (okay, my young brothers may still enjoy the rides). I guess what could make a visit to Orlando even more fun, is to visit during Mardi Gras time! I know none of my siblings have been to one, and so that would be fun!!
I miss spending time with my family, so I guess any trip away with them would be time well spent (quality time). They were asking me to come home for Easter, (or meet up with them in Hong Kong or Singapore), but I realised I actually don't have a valid passport at the moment! I'm in between passports if I may say. My Philippine passport is expiring in a few months, thus invalid to travel on, while I am waiting to get my Australian one! So, I should probably hope that we can postpone such impending big trip for next year instead! I'm sure none of them would disagree to another big trip next year!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
House or Baby
Adult talk
guess there were stuff that did not interest me at all, such as : bank time deposits, interest
rates, Van Insurance Quote, saving for rainy days, etc. But, sooner rather than later, I find
myself researching about these things. I particularly found a site that had numerous services
on auto insurances, with all the steps and explanations that I otherwise would not have known.
Somehow, I still need to check in with hubby that I understood what I was reading correctly. As
much as I am ashamed to admit, I know little about car stuff. Growing up, I only drove family
cars, and did nothing about maintenance, comprehensive insurance quotes, etcetera. Now, I have no choice! I have to learn all these things. The 'joys' of growing up and being an adult. I am
proud though, that I have mastered researching about term deposits. It's quite interesting, really. And, although the rates are down at the moment, I look forward to investing our money soon!! One can never really be too knowledgeable about these investment things. Which reminds me, I have to set a date with hubby to talk about our finances, plans, including holiday plans!
My Sleepy wharf
Techie Web stuff
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Young love, Old love
Photos from here and here.
City Leaving
I am wishful thinking, dreaming about trees, greens, leaves, open space, nature, away from the city! Somehow these cravings creeped up, to think I considered myself a self confessed city girl from the beginning.
When travelling, do you find yourself visiting cosmopolitan cities? I guess, to an extent I still enjoy seeing new skyscrapers and the city skyline. But recently I find myself being drawn to take photos of bugs upclose, or patiently trying to capture a kingfisher bird in a still shot. I like framing my photos to reflect on the natural elements of my trip.
I enjoy looking up the sky and snapping my Canon 40D (see photo insert of tree and sky).
I guess once in a while we really need to leave the city to enjoy the things we know we are missing.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What do you do?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A very long way
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Okay, a confession!
Pamplemousse Gardens in Mauritius
All the firsts
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The problem with not knowing
Autumn Breeze and Summer Dreams
Monday, March 09, 2009
Could have been a restaurateur
Although, just as an imagination exercise, I can try to construct my dream restaurant in my mind again now. As I imagine it, my dream restaurant would have a very relaxed ambience, with matching mood lights and soft, calming music. Cuisine would be simple, no frills food and drinks. Perhaps a lot of sweet stuff, such as dessert. Likewise, a menu of thirst quenching concoction of drinks. I would also serve continental meals, that are not fussy or complex food. As for the actual dining area, I would have the restaurant chair be some sort of a lounge type. It could even be fluffy ones, where one could flop onto and enjoy long conversations and meals with family and friends. Overall, I am thinking casual atmosphere would work for my target market. Oh well, my dream can go on longer, especially if I were talking to my sister!
Looking forward to quiet friday nights..
Last friday I went out for drinks with the ladies from work. I found myself not being up for that night for some reason. Perhaps coz it has been a long week, plus I knew I had no weekend to look forward to due to saturday and sunday classes. Or, maybe I was just really maturing (READ: getting old). I was thinking that I might have enjoyed my friday night if I spent it quietly at home with hubby. Oh well! I will make sure I get this quiet friday night next week!!
Friday, March 06, 2009
Body buddy
Gardens and Flowers
High School
Where is Wally??
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Choosing and Comparing
Oh Anuta!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Talk about dream house
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Kaleidoscope Me
Still about tightening one's belt
Monday, March 02, 2009
Manic monday # 157
It's going to be super-easy this week!
If I was a car, I'd be: A Chrysler Sedan!! Sexxxxyy!
If I was a drink, I'd be: A fizzy non alcoholic drink... Coca Cola!
If I was emotion, I'd be: Optimistic :)
Working towards healthy living
What I would really like to try though, is to keep a vegetable garden. Although this is not possible at the moment given the fact that we have limited space at home. I am sure when hubby and I get our own house eventually we would have a garden, and I am able to see for myself the benefits of organic gardening. This would be something I would like to be able to do, as well as be able to impart to my future children on living a healthy life.
At the moment, in our household we try to eat a lot of greens and fruits at each meal. Trying to maintain a healthy diet is something I neglected growing up, since I rarely got sick when I was young I did not feel the need to watch what I ate. I guess it comes with age, that one becomes watchful of the ingredients in our meals. Really, eating organic food is beneficial and awareness about this is something the modern world is learning about increasingly.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Sleepy Newcastle
Tourism and management
The big 4-0
Turning 40 soon has had me thinking about a few things lately. One, major one is whether to have another baby. Hmm. I guess this is partly n...
Would you really put $2 in a machine that will only provide your kid with a few seconds of joy going up and down on a kiddie ride?
I eat bananas with lemon and soy sauce. I eat bacon with maple syrup. I eat doritos and chocolate alternating one after the other. I eat coc...