Friday, November 25, 2016

Lullabye or not

After so long, I was able to attend a concert again last weekend! My favourite band was in the city and so hubby gifted me with tickets! It's one of those things that are reminiscent of my single days when each weekend, or after work on a Friday night involved music or dancing somehow a microkorg would be present in the venue I was hanging out at. Nowadays, my usual music companion would be my phone playing lullabyes! I was telling hubby when the kids are older, we can enjoy a lot of our interests again. For now, my music style is not always in the forefront of my mind.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

So little time

So much to do so little time! I am finding with a little person under 1 in the household, I need to find ways to save time and be more efficient. It is hard without help and support from immediate family. Usually, I even do my groceries online, just so I don’t have to leave the house to finish this task. Every now and then I read reviews at the hub, ask hubby to help with my online researches. I wish there was more time in a day! But, obviously this is not possible!

The big 4-0

Turning 40 soon has had me thinking about a few things lately. One, major one is whether to have another baby. Hmm. I guess this is partly n...