Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Judge Marie

When I first came to Australia over a decade ago occasionally I would come across Fil-Aussies (first degree or second degree migrants) who have not been back (or in case of second degree teen migrants who have never been to MNL) to Manila for many years. I would secretly always be judging them even without knowing the reason/s behind not being back home that long. I was Judge Marie back then.

Here I am now, in their shoes - shoes of those whom I used to judge. I am Marie, and last time I was back in Manila was January 2011. Three long years ago. I have my own reasons for not being back in that long period. I know I wanted so very bad to go. Every year slipped by unknowingly. I know in that time frame no week has passed without the thought of me missing home. But yes it has been that long since my last.

We all have our stories to tell. Our reasons for being, for not doing, or for staying. Somehow it took me so long to understand the awkward answer to the question I used to pose to someone else "why they haven't gone "home" for so long?" Surely it is not a simple question, and the answer is various beyond words.
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