Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Growing up

Last year just when I was coming off from my previous employer I was caught off guard about the income protection insurance I had subscribed to. It did not cover maternity reasons. I suppose I should have read the fine print and must have taken note of this. One good thing that that experience has brought me is that I pay more attention to details as such. Since then, I have taken out a few things (medical insurance, membership and other contract agreement) at which I have made sure I read all points, headings, sub headings and fine print at least three times. I also asked the other party when I had questions relating to the service or product I was subscribing to. I can now proudly say that I am better at it, and more confident in asking relevant questions! I suppose that is part of growing up. Learning from previous experiences and moving on.
Speaking of growing up, I cannot believe my little one just passed the nine months mark! She is growing too fast, and learning so many new things! I am glad that the Australian dollar to US dollar conversion is good now, so I can do more toy shopping for the little girl!

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