Thanks Valerie for tagging me...
The rules:
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six un-important things/habits/quirks about your self.
Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let these random people know that they are tagged by leaving comments in their blog.
Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Six Unimportant things/habits/quirks about my self.
1. When I was younger (like grade school/high school) I used to practice writing my weak hand. So now that I am old, I am really dominantly a Rightie (right handed person), but when I have to, I can use both hands to write. I guess you can call me ambidextrous. :)
2. I plan holidays even if I am pretty sure they wont push through anyway. But I so love love love researching on hotels endlessly and tirelessly! (Hehe, pathetic me- only 50% actually push through- at least! :) )
3. I used to think I would never like to have my own children... Now, I am wanting one! (Having turned 30 does that to a lady! - I mean woman!)
4. I still remember the full names of my elementary/secondary/university batchmates! I just can't forget them even after what, two decades. My memory is too good!
5. I've got weird food combos that I enjoy/once enjoyed eating! (eg, hotdog with coco jam, etc - Which I will write into a post later!)
6. I have managed to be in about six long distance relationships! Two of which were long term. Talk about attracting a certain type of relationship!
Tag! You're it: Rhea, Sheng, Wellapot, CaramelCorn, Mariuca, Cathy
Hi Thanks for the tag =)
No prob! You're like my friend who knows until now the first and last name of our batchmates from elementary to college... And I too have weird food combos like pomelo and bagoong. Haha!
hey.. my tag is up..
Hola, thanks for the tag. I am so your number 2 and 3 lolz!! :)
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