Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Creating circles

We all have our own circle of friends. Some we just fell into as we grew up.. We lived across the street from them, or we met them at school or at work. Some we've met through common friends, cousins, siblings, etc. Some of them we ended up being best friends with, or have dated once or twice..

But as we grow older, there are some circles we draw ourselves. We have a choice now. We don't just fall into these circle by accident, or because of our family. Living overseas makes it a challenge to build long lasting circles of friendships. However, when we do find that circle where we belong it forms our support group.

I find that I have always been the type of person who creates lots of circles. Admittedly, I don't always engage myself fully in each of them. Some circles are purely for circles sake. Some circles I have to maintain now, not just for me, but for my little one. The circles I put her in forms part of her. Without having cousins or siblings around, I endeavour to make her have meaningful circles. Relationships. Yes, those circles form our relationships. Only if we let them close enough to reach that level.

Photo from
I am grateful for all my friendships especially those that have been through it all with me.

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