Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Back to Back QnA

Thanks Valerie for this... :)

1. Does anyone know your password? I'm not sure! Gave it to hubbybaby but I think he's forgotten them (to think he was the one who came up with those passwords!)

2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? Cheeseburger

3. Are you an emotional person? Yes! I feel I laugh I cry I emote. I try not to do all at once tho!
4. Do you like your name? Yes.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. I think some people just are lucky to marry the person they fell in love at first sight with. Doesn't always work. You have to know the person before you decide to love them.

6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? Yup! Who hasn't?

7. What was the last thing you did? Gone to Sydney Aquarium. Walk walk walk.. Tired!

8. Who is next to you? No one.

9. Who was the last person you ate with? My hubby and siblings

10. What song are you listening toright now? Four Seasons of Loneliness - Emote!

11. How is the weather right now? Just right. But am sure it will turn cold later.

12. Last person you called? Sister dear

13. Who are you thinking right now? Nothing!..Blank mind. Does that to you at the end of the day. Well at least to me.

14. Last song you sang? Whitney's I'll Always love you! (it was playing on the street as I was walking earlier! Last song syndrome!)

15. Last time you danced? Hubby swept me off my feet a few days ago. Haha!

18. Last thing you ate? Chocolate :)

19. Been really depressed before? Yes. Well, first love hit me bad. I've gotten over it after 3 long years!

20. Faked being sick to miss school? I have! But I don't remember that to have worked on my mom. Was never a good actress!

21. What time did you wake up today? 830AM! This is early for me!

22. Current taste? Nada.

23. What are you wearing right now? Night clothes :)

24. Are you too shy to ask anyone out? Depends who we are referring to. A stranger? Yes. Someone I know? No.

25. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their jawline.Smile. And eyes. And shoulders. haha! Nothing in particular!

27. Current love? The wharf.

28. What date and day is it today? 01 April 2008 Tuesday

29. Did you go anywhere today? To my new office address. Sydney Aquarium

30. What did you do there? Worked. Went around the aquarium to take photos and enjoy quality time.

34. Do you call your parents by their first name? No!

35. Are you an only child? Nope.

36. Where do you go shopping? No particular shop. For as long as I have the $$ whichever lovely place will do.

38. Do you like books? Yes

39. Do you want to get married? YupYup.

40. To whom? To my hubbybaby

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1.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?- good friend.

2.What is wrong with you right now?- I've got a mosquito bite on my right elbow. And it's sore.

3. Do you ever miss your first love?- No.

4.When did you last cry?- I think a few days ago. Out of frustration about something.

5.What do you hate?- Being not in control.

6. What do you want in your life right now?- I want to be able to take control of my life. Hehe. Control friek...

7. Are you happy?- Relatively

8.What are you listening to?- Compilation of old old songs.9. What do you smell like?- I smell like cotton breeze

10. What time do you go to bed?- I try to sleep by 12. If not then whenever.

11.Who was the last person in your bed besides you?- Sister dear

12.What do you wear to bed?- Depends. Summer - whatever. Winter - everything.

13. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?- All the time. And that is an understatement.

14. What did you do yesterday?- Went to Homebush

15. What was the last movie you went to?- 10000 BC

16. Is your shirt new?- No

17. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?- Yup

18. Are you scared of bugs?- Yes yes yes! Bugs and every other insect that tends to crawl on you when you least expect.

19. How was your day today?- Stressful. Tiring.

20. What do you think of Eminem?- Indifferent. (Not a fan)

21. Do you read?- Yes. Reading makes me think. And I like thinking. :)

22. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?- No. When I was young I tried to. But teddy just ends up on the floor. I gave up since then.

23. Do you like anyone right now?- Yes. Love is more like it.

24. Are you bored?- Not at the moment. My hands and plate are both full.Too full.

25. What are you excited about?- So many things. Mid May. Phantom of the Opera. The thought of me losing weight. Owning my own home. Etc Etc.

26. Who was last person to cook for you?- Sister dear

27. Who was your last text message from?- Ex flatmate

28.Who was the last person to make you cry?- Family

29. Name someone whose name starts with the letter P?- Patrick

30. Do you care what others think about you?- Sometimes can't help it. But re: trivial things, No.

31. Have you ever been in love?- Yes!

32. Do you trust people easily?- Not as much as I used to.

33. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?- I think so. I hope so! I'd be 40 then!

34. Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?- Yes of course I will.

35. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?- I'm not looking forward to the winter months. But I am looking forward to things being calm and settled again.

36. Who was the last person to call you?- Hubby

37. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?- I already have!

38. What happened at 10:00 am today?- I was fixing my log ins at my new desk.

.. Feel free to take this on! :)

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